Welcome to the Overthrow 2.0 wiki. See links on the left hand side for the main topics.
If you are new to Overthrow and have no idea what you're doing, see Getting Started
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on Discord)See https://github.com/ArmaOverthrow/Overthrow.Arma4/labels/bug and the #reforger-help
channel on discord
See https://github.com/orgs/ArmaOverthrow/projects/1
If you are a member of our Discord, you can login to this wiki and create/edit pages. Just click the profile image in the top right and choose "Discord". We appreciate any help in keeping this wiki up to date and helpful.
There's going to be a lot of text in Overthrow so if you'd like to see it in your own language and think you can put together a decent enough translation just mention it on discord and we'll add you to a private channel where we coordinate localization efforts.
You can post ideas to GitHub if you want to, or just mention them in #reforger-suggestions
on Discord. Any and all ideas are welcome but will of course be subject to approval
Hit us up in #reforger-dev
on Discord.