Overthrow can be hosted via the Arma Reforger dedicated server.
In steam, download the "Arma Reforger Server", found under tools.
Right click the server in steam, go to "Properties..." and then "Installed Files" and click "Browse".
Create a config.json in that folder (see below for example)
Run ArmaReforgerServer.exe
See the Reforger documentation for advanced setup if required (including linux/steamcmd etc):
"bindAddress": "",
"bindPort": 2001,
"publicAddress": "",
"publicPort": 2001,
"a2s": {
"address": "",
"port": 17777
"game": {
"name": "",
"password": "",
"passwordAdmin": "",
"admins": [],
"scenarioId": "{3DAD390C31623F04}Missions/24_OVT_Eden.conf",
"maxPlayers": 64,
"visible": true,
"crossPlatform": false,
"supportedPlatforms": [
"gameProperties": {
"serverMaxViewDistance": 1600,
"serverMinGrassDistance": 50,
"networkViewDistance": 1500,
"disableThirdPerson": false,
"fastValidation": true,
"battlEye": true,
"VONDisableUI": false,
"VONDisableDirectSpeechUI": false,
"VONCanTransmitCrossFaction": false,
"missionHeader": {}
"mods": [
"modId": "59B657D731E2A11D",
"name": "Overthrow",
"required": true
"modId": "5D6EA74A94173EDF",
"name": "Enfusion Database Framework",
"required": true
"modId": "5D6EBC81EB1842EF",
"name": "Enfusion Persistence Framework",
"required": true
"modsRequiredByDefault": false
"operating": {
"lobbyPlayerSynchronise": true,
"playerSaveTime": 120,
"aiLimit": -1,
"slotReservationTimeout": 60,
"disableServerShutdown": false,
"disableCrashReporter": false,
"disableAI": false,
"joinQueue": {
"maxSize": 0
Changes to this config, notably around the IP address, Port and Passwords are up to the individual hosts. However, this configuration will provide the base mods and dependencies for an Overthrow Server.
Questions regarding firewalls and port forwarding should be pointed towards your local network administrator.
Administrators can be added within the config.json on individual lines, for example:
"admins": [
"Steam64 ID 1",
"Steam64 ID 2"
Admins with their correct steam64 ID can then login to the admin spots on the server using #login <passwordAdmin>
in game. This password is the same one defined within the config.json.
After starting the server at least once, a config file "Overthrow_Config.json" will be created in your profile folder. In here you can set some options.
See Overthrow Config
Autosave will happen every 10 mins, or you can use the "Save" option from Overthrow menu if you are an officer. Saves are made to the .db
folder in your profile folder. A save will also trigger whenever the server is stopped or restarted to avoid server crashes wiping progress, so keep this in mind. Ideally back this folder up only when the server is completely stopped. And it must be restored from backup only when server is completely stopped as well.
Saves will automatically load if there is a .db folder present when the server starts up, you DO NOT need to use the -loadSaveFile
commandline option, that is for the built-in Reforger save system and it will just have no effect. If you want to start a new game, simply rename or delete the .db
folder while the server is completely stopped.
Overthrow and it's dependancies must be listed in the mods section. You are free to add more if you wish, but before reporting bugs please first try it with only Overthrow and it's dependancies.
If you want your server to always download the latest version of the mods, do not include a version number in the "mods" section of your config.json, just leave it out (as above)
This MUST be set to your external IP address in order for your server to connect to the bohemia.net backend and provide Overthrow with a unique persistent player ID.
You need to set an admin password so the server admin can login (type #login password
into the chat) and become an officer for the resistance
Make sure to use the exact scenario id shown.
You can turn this off if you want as Overthrow is PvE only.